Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
Dr. Worek has been involved, over the last 35 years, in the development of desiccant materials for cooling systems applications, modeling of sorption processes, experimental testing of desiccant material performance and the use of desiccant processes in the design of cooling and dehumidification systems. He holds three patents on sorption system design improvements and has published extensively in archival journals and has given numerous lectures on the subject. Also, he has investigated heat transfer enhancements to when nanofluids are boiled. Dr. Worek was chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s (ASME’s) Solar Energy Division, Vice-President of ASME’s Energy Resources Group and served as a Member of ASME’s Board of Governors. Dr. Worek is Fellow of ASME, Life Fellow of the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He has received Edwin F. Church Medal from ASME recognizing his accomplishments in engineering education and the Frank Kreith Energy Award. In addition, Professor Worek Co-editor of new 12thEdition of Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Executive Editor of Applied Thermal Engineering, Editor-in-Chief of The International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer and Heat Transfer – Asian Research. Dr. Worek has consulted worldwide. He was Chair, Mechanical and Systems Engineering Board of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the University Grants Committee (UGC) of Hong Kong and currently serves the University Grants Committee (UGC), Panel Member and Project Monitor of the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF), the Theme-based Research Scheme (TRS) and the Areas of Excellence (AoE) Funding Schemes Projects.
Simplified Adsorption Heat Pump Using Passive Heat Recuperation (Link).
Open Cycle Desiccant Cooling System (Link).
Open Cycle Desiccant Cooling Process (Link).
Enhanced Solid Sorption Heat Exchanger Design, Patent Applied.
An Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling Unit for Unitary Design and to Enhance Desiccant Dehumidification Design, Patent Applied.
Improvements in One-Step Method for the Production of Nanofluids,” Patent Applied.
Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 12thEdition, A.M. Sadegh, W.M. Worek, Editors, McGraw-Hill Education.
M. Golubovic and W.M. Worek, Recent Advances in Boiling of Nanofluids, In: Advances in Heat Transfer,Volume 41, Elsevier Ltd.
“Status of Liquid Desiccant Technologies and Systems”, by W.M. Worek and A. Lowenstein, Chapter 2, Desiccant-Assisted Cooling, Fundamentals and Applications, C.E.L. Nobrega and N.C.L. Brum, Editors, ISBN 978-1-4471-5565-2, Springer.
F. Warnakulasuriya and W.M. Worek, Drop Formation of Pressurized Atomizers a in Low Pressure Environment, In: Sprays: Types, Technology and Modeling,Nova Publishers.
S. Wang, W.M. Worek and W.J. Minkowycz, “Performance Comparison of the Mass Transfer Models with Internal Reforming for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, Nos. (15-16), pp. 3933-3945.
D. Ludovisi, S.S. Chan W.M. Worek and R. Ramachaandran, “Numerical Approach and Experimental Verification for Interface Shape Determination between Layered Fluids Subject to a Magnetic Field,” Journal of Magnetism and Magentic Materials, Vol. 324, No. 22, pp. 3633 – 3640.
F. Gori, S. Corasaniti, W.M. Worek and W.J. Minkowycz, “Theoretical Prediction of Thermal Conductivity for Thermal Protection Systems,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vo. 49, pp. 124-130.
D. Ludovisi, S.S. Cha, R. Ramachandran and W.M. Worek, “Systematic Non-dimensional Parametric Investigation for the Thermo-fluid Dynamics of Two-layered Systems,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 56, pp. 787-801.
D. Pandelidis, S. Anisimov and W.M. Worek, “Performance Study of the Maisotsenko Cycle Heat Exchangers in Different Air-conditioning Applications,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 81, pp. 207-221.
W. Gao, W.M. Worek, V. Konduru and K. Adensin, “Numerical Study on Performance of a Desiccant Cooling System with an Indirect Evaporative Cooler,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 86, pp. 16-24.
D. Pandelidis, S. Anisimov and W.M. Worek, “Comparison Study of the Counter-Flow Regenerative Evaporative Heat Exchangers with Numerical Methods,” Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 84, pp. 211-224.
D. Pandelidis, S. Anisimov, W.M. Worek and P. Drag, “Analysis of Different Applications of Maisotsenko Cycle Heat Exchanger in the Desiccant Air Conditioning Systems,” Energy and Buildings, Vol. 140, pp. 154-170.
Keynote Presentations:
The 2nd Asian-US-European Thermophysics Conference – Thermal Science for a Sustainable World, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong China, January 2012.
“Emerging Technologies to Improve and Replace Conventional Heating and Cooling Systems: – Past, Present and Future Opportunities,” Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, May 2012.
“Nano-Fluids and Enhancement of Critical Heat Flux,” ASME 2013 4th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference, Hong Kong, China, December 2013.
“Energy Utilization – How Technology Has Adapted to External Constraints, “2nd Annual Energy Technology Workshop, Draper Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, October 2014.
“Desiccant Systems – Past, Present and Future Developments,” XII International HVAC+R & Sanitary Technology Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2016.
“Challenges in Comfort Cooling: Separating Sensible and Latent Loads – Material Constraints and New Opportunities,” Building Technology Office – Peer Review, Technologies of the Future Panel, Falls Church, VA, April 2016.
“New Desiccant Air-conditioning System Designs Incorporating Innovative Evaporative
Coolers,” Chemical Science and Engineering Series 4 – Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems (IMPRESS), Taromina, Sicily, October 2016.
“Challenges in Comfort Cooling: Separating Sensible and Latent Loads – Material Constraints and New Opportunities,” Tech-Talk – 2ndThermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and 4thInternational Workshop on Heat Transfer, Las Vegas, NV April 2017.
“Radiant Heating for Thermal Comfort,” VII Congresso International de Ingenieria Mecánica – ASME Perú, Lima, Peru, July 2017.