Pre recorded:
Price for professionals: $100 Price for students: $80
Price for professionals and students: $150 if you enter the 4 digits code you saw in the ad.
- Consulting:
How to create and maintain an Engineering and Science Consulting Company at a national and international level.
Pre recorded: Link
Live: Link
- Houses thermal analysis and design:
Thermal behavior of houses: How to design, analyze, achieve appropriate internal temperatures, use energy efficiently, and save on costs.
Pre recorded: Link
Live: Link
3. The World of Engineering: Information for Your High School children about Career Possibilities.
This is a presentation about the potential paths of a career in engineering that could equip your high school children with valuable information as they explore their future college studies.
Pre recorded: Link
En Castellano:
Cursos pre grabados:
Precio para profesionales: $100. Precio para estudiantes: $80
Cursos en vivo:
Profesionales y estudiantes: $150 si ingresa el código de 4 dígitos que vio en el anuncio.
- Crear consultoría:
Cómo crear y mantener una consultoría en ciencia e ingeniería a nivel internacional y nacional.
Pre grabado: Link
En vivo: Link
- Análisis térmico de casas:
Comportamiento térmico de casas y edificios: Cómo diseñar, analizar, alcanzar temperaturas apropiadas, usar energía eficientemente, y ahorrar en costos.
Pre grabado: Link
En Vivo: Link